
Yogic Studies news, writings, interviews, media, and other vṛttis.

Launch of the Sanskrit Advanced Certificate Program (SACP) antonia ruppel sacp sanskrit yogic studies Oct 09, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our much-anticipated Sanskrit Advanced Certificate Program (SACP)! Language students at Yogic Studies will now have the opportunity to structure and advance their Sanskrit education through this robust 70-credit online program. 


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Virtual Language Open House buddhist studies online hindi online courses pali sanskrit yogic studies Apr 08, 2022

Prospective language learners tuned in from all over the globe on April 12th, 2022 for a virtual language open house and meet-and-greet with Dr. Antonia Ruppel (Sanskrit), Dr. Rajiv Ranjan (Hindi), and Dr. Aleix Ruiz-Falqués (Pali). Together, they explored the online...

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What is Sanskrit, and why should I care? A talk by Dr. Antonia Ruppel events lecture sanskrit Aug 27, 2021

The Sanskrit language is one of India's greatest gifts to the world. Indian grammarians developed techniques for language analysis that the West arrived at over 2,000 years later. Sanskrit literature offers something for everyone, from grand stories to beautiful poetry, intricate philosophical...

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ANU Roundtable | Teaching South Asian Languages in 2020 anu online education pedagogy roundtable sanskrit Sep 20, 2020

Australian National University Roundtable: Teaching South Asian Languages in 2020

Leading members of the Yogic Studies Team, Seth Powell and Dr. Antonia Ruppel, were recently interviewed at the ANU Roundtable for South Asian Languages among other scholars in the field before gathering for ...

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Seth Powell and Chase Bossart on Yoga Talks Podcast debate jbrownyoga podcast pātañjalayogaśāstra sanskrit sanskrittranslation svadhyaya viveka yogadebate yogahistory yogaonline yogaphilosophy yogasutras yogatalks yogatalkspodcast yogateachers Jan 05, 2020

Seth Powell and Chase Bossart come together with J Brown on his Yoga Talks podcast for an in-depth debate and inquiry into the nature and substance of Patañjali’s Yogasūtras.

They discuss whether the Sūtras and their commentary are written by the same person, differing views on what...

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How to Use Online Sanskrit Dictionaries Tutorial (Video + PDF) digital sanskrit sanskrit sanskrit dictionaries sanskrit tools tutorial video Feb 21, 2019



Click here to download this tutorial and workflow as a PDF

Note: this PDF was generated on Feb 19, 2019 using Mac OS Mojave 10.14 and Chrome


Getting Started

There are many different methods and tools for utilizing Sanskrit dictionaries. Each student or scholar...

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How to Type Transliterated Sanskrit with Diacritics in Mac OSX (Video + PDF) diacritics mac osx sanskrit sanskrit for yogis sanskrit tools sanskrit typing tutorial video Feb 15, 2019



Click here to download this tutorial and workflow as a PDF

Note: this PDF workflow was generated on Feb 14, 2019 using Mac OS Mojave 10.14


Getting Started

There are various schemes for transliterating Sanskrit (as well as Pāli, Hindi, etc.) into Roman characters....

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An Introduction to Sanskrit: The Language of Yoga sanskrit Jan 04, 2019

“refined, ornamented, perfected”

“language of the gods”

Sanskrit is one of the most ancient continuously used languages in the world. Known by tradition as the language spoken by the gods (devavāṇī), it is understood as the...

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