Online Courses for YTTs
Elevate your Teacher Training curriculum and empower your yoga trainees with the depth of Yogic Studies online courses.
Yogic Studies 20-Hour YTT Program
A comprehensive immersion into the History and Philosophy of Yoga. This foundational 20-hour online course features the latest research in yoga studies. Enhance your YTT curriculum today!

Raising the standards of yoga education in Philosophy, History, and Sanskrit language.
This special online program for YTTs combines our foundational YS 101 + YS 105 courses.
YS 101 | An Introduction to the History & Philosophy of Yoga
Join Dr. Seth Powell (Harvard University), for an immersive online course that will provide your YTTs with an in-depth introduction to yoga’s multifaceted history and philosophy. Through video lectures, slides, PDF handouts, quizzes, and optional readings, together we will journey from yoga’s shrouded origins as an ascetic tradition in ancient India, to the emergence of postural yoga in the West and around the globe—a journey that takes us from the periphery of premodern Indian civilization to the center of modern American health and wellness.
18 Hours
4 YS Credits

Module 1 — What is Yoga? An Introduction to Yoga in History, Theory, and Practice
Module 2 — Forest Ascetics and Sages: The Early History of Yoga
Module 3 — Stilling the Body, Stilling the Mind: The Yogasūtra of Patañjali
Module 4 — The Song of the Lord: The Bhagavad Gītā and the Yoga of Devotion
Module 5 — The Yoga of Force: Tantra and Medieval Haṭhayoga
Module 6 — Yoga in the Modern World: The Rise of Modern Postural Yoga
YS 105 | A Brief History of Āsana
This unique course offers an accessible overview of the latest scholarly research on the history of yogic postures (āsana) in premodern India—as understood through texts, sculptures, paintings, and more.
8 Hours
3 YS Credits

Module 1 —Sthira Sukham Āsanam: Meditative Seats and Tapas in Ancient and Classical India
Module 2 — Complex Non-Seated Āsanas: Yogic Postures in Medieval India
Module 3 — The Proliferation of Postures: Āsanas in Early Modern India and Beyond
"An accessible, Harvard-quality course in Yoga Studies"
Provide your YTT students with the highest quality yoga education — with a course that will last a lifetime.
All YTT participants will receive:
- Lifetime access to all course materials
- 9 Video Lectures (Pre-recorded)
- 9 Audio Lecture Recordings (MP3)
- 6 Q&A Sessions (Pre-recorded)
- 7 Multiple Choice Quizzes
- Timeline of the History of Yoga + other Handouts (PDF)
- YS 101 Course Syllabus with Recommend Readings (PDF)
- YS 105 Bibliography + Readings (PDF)
- Yogic Studies Certificate upon completion (PDF)
- ACCESS to Private Online Community Forum
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Special offer for YTT groups. Save over 50% on course tuition.
Contact us today for a quote or to request more information.
Send us a message to begin a conversation about how our online courses can best serve your unique YTT program.
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