
Yogic Studies news, writings, interviews, media, and other vṛttis.

Highlights from the Yogavidyā Conference 2024 academia conferences yoga studies Oct 18, 2024


This past weekend we held the first-ever Yogic Studies online conference, Yogavidyā. This three-day event featured the latest research on Yoga Studies from 28 of the world's leading yoga scholars from the fields of Indology, Anthropology, Religious Studies, Art History, and...

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Yogeśvara, Yogīśvara | Sabbi Lall, SOAS Post-Graduate Student Conference ma sabbi lall soas yoga studies yogic studies Jul 20, 2022

Today we celebrate Yogic Studies Teaching Assistant, Dr. Sabbi Lall, who recently presented her Master's thesis project to members of the Yoga Studies community at the SOAS Centre of Yoga Studies

Her project explored the use of yogeśvara in a range of Sanskrit texts. She...

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Podcast Interview with The Humboldt Lighthouse academia interview podcast the humboldt lighthouse yoga studies May 14, 2018

In Seth's first-ever Podcast interview, he sits down with Nate Hanks at The Humboldt Lighthouse. Recorded live in McKinleyville, California. In this conversation, Seth and Nate discuss Seth’s journey into yoga and academia, yoga philosophy and meditation practice, the ...

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Haṭha Yoga Project Promo Video academia haṭha yoga project london soas video yoga studies Jun 30, 2017

In September 2016 a workshop for twenty scholars working on critical editions of Sanskrit texts on yoga was held at SOAS and All Souls, Oxford.

Look out for Seth Powell's cameo in the video ;) 

The Haṭha Yoga Project (HYP) is a five-year (2015-2020) research project funded by the European...

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