Our faculty is comprised of expert scholars and educators in the fields of Yoga Studies, Indology, Religious Studies, and South Asian Studies.

Dr. Daniel Cozort
Professor Emeritus of Religion at Dickinson College, Pennsylvania
Dr. Daniel Cozort retired from Dickinson College in June 2021, having taught for 37 years in many areas, but specializing in Tibetan Buddhism.
A native of North Dakota, Dr. Cozort graduated from Brown University, where he focused on Christian theology and ethics but encountered Buddhism through the Providence Zen Center. At the University of Virginia, as a student of Dr. Jeffrey Hopkins, he began his study with Tibetan lamas. He did a year of fieldwork in India, traveling broadly and staying in Tibetan monasteries.
In his teaching career, he created over forty courses, but he also curated art exhibits, directed study abroad programs in South India and in England, and made a film about sand mandalas. He is the author of six books, including Highest Yoga Tantra, Buddhist Philosophy, and Unique Tenets of the Middle Way Consequence School, as well as book chapters and articles. For thirteen years, he was the editor of the Journal of Buddhist Ethics. His most recent book is the Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Ethics (2018). He is currently compiling a new sourcebook for courses on Buddhism and climate change.
Courses taught:
Selected Publications:
- 2018. The Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Ethics. Co-edited with James Mark Shields. Oxford University Press.
- 2005. Highest Yoga Tantra. Shambala.
- 2003. Buddhist Philosophy: Losang Gonchok's Short Commentary to Jamyang Shayba's Root Text on Tenets. Co-written with Craig Preston. Wisdom.
- 1998. Unique Tenets of The Middle Way Consequence School. Wisdom.
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