TIBET 101 | Elementary Tibetan I

September 10 - November 29, 2024

Course Description

This course is the first of a three term Elementary Tibetan program. In this first trimester you will learn the Tibetan alphabet, how to read, how to spell, basic word formations, and how to use the Wylie system of transliteration to be able to search Tibetan terms or use dictionaries and other translation tools.

The Tibetan Canon is one of the three most complete Buddhist Canons in the world, along with the Chinese and Pali Canons. This body of works, divided into Kangyur (Words of the Buddha) and Tengyur (Commentaries) contains, in some cases, the sole surviving translation of lost Buddhist scriptures which belonged to the Sanskrit translation of the teachings, the source of Mahayana Buddhism.

If you’re looking forward to learning this ancient language, you’re probably interested in Tibetan Buddhism. In this case, learning the Tibetan language could be a truly unique experience in terms of your study and practice. Since the goal of this course is to give you the tools to understand the Dharma in Tibetan, we will be introducing as much Dharma vocabulary as possible from the beginning and recommend regular memorization practice.

The study of Tibetan grammar is based on the study of grammatical particles which are used to create the different grammar cases and connections. We will be learning these particles using the traditional ‘30 Verses on Tibetan Grammar’ (sum cu pa) and a simplified version called ‘The Magical Wish-Fulfilling Tree, Essence of Thönmi’s Masterpiece' (legs bshad ljon dbang) as well as other study materials.

Course Preview

Video Poster Image

Three 12-Week Terms

  • TIBET 101 | Elementary Tibetan I (September 10 - November 29, 2024)
  • TIBET 102 | Elementary Tibetan II (January 2025)
  • TIBET 103 | Elementary Tibetan III (May 2025)

Course Structure

  • Two 90-minute live lessons will be held per week on Zoom.

    • Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11:30am PT.
    • All live sessions will take place via Zoom and will be recorded for later viewing. 

  • Live sessions will address all student questions, go over exercises and readings together, as well as personalize the learning experience with your instructor.

  • Weekly written homework, quizzes to test yourself, as well as a mid-term and a final.

  • The grading will be such that anyone who puts a regular solid effort into the weekly homework will pass; those aiming for a B or an A will also need to perform accordingly on the two exams.

Students Will Receive: 

  • 24 Zoom live class sessions + recordings (90 min)
  • Up to 36 Hours of CE credit with YA
  • 5 ACP Credits
  • Yogic Studies Certificate upon completion (PDF)
  • Access to the private Community Forum

Kunsang (Jakaira Peréz)

Translator and Teacher of Buddhist Philosophy and Tibetan Language

Kunsang studied Letters and Philosophy at the Central University of Venezuela and attended a two-year residential Buddhist Philosophy program in Italy, where she became ordained in the Tibetan Tradition in 2006. After this, she moved to India and joined Thosamling Nunnery and Institute in Dharamsala. There she completed both Basic and Advanced Tibetan Language programs. She also completed the Traditional Buddhist Philosophy Studies in Tibetan, which correspond to a Lobön (slob dpon) degree in Buddhist Studies in the Tibetan Tradition.

She has been teaching Tibetan language, translating Buddhist texts and interpreting for numerous masters for over 16 years. Currently, as a lay teacher, she offers various courses online aiming to transmit and preserve the study method of philosophical debate derived from the ancient Nalanda University. She believes that a direct, accurate translation from Tibetan into Western languages is essential to better understand the Dharma through the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism.

Enrollment is now closed.

Regular Tuition


One-Time Payment

  • Lifetime access to TIBET 101

Regular Tuition

$125 x 3

Three Monthly Payments

  • Lifetime access to TIBET 101

TIBET 101-103 Bundle


One-Time Payment

  • Lifetime access to TIBET 101, 102, and 103
  • Save $325+ by enrolling in all three terms up front! 

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is eligible for 36 hours of Continued Education (CE) credits with Yoga Alliance

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